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Please note: Orders won't be processed in the period of 11/25/2024 - 01/12/2025!

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Img-Id Part-Id Description Unit Per Unit*
186 1/186
Clutch disk new as original with riveted grating and spring-damped enable without jerk approach
Piece 105,90 EUR
Engine gasket set cpl with shaft sealing rings
Set 42,50 EUR
Seal kit kpl
Set 25,80 EUR
38 3/038
2 pieces shock absorber original replica compl. with all rubber, washers and mounting parts
Pair 119,90 EUR
59 3/059
Wheel cylinder front 17mm typ "schäfer" with rubber sleeve outside ( no rust up from the bolt more)
Piece 64,90 EUR
2 wheel brake cylinders front 17mm and 1 rear 12,7mm type "Schäfer" with rubber sleeve outside (no more rusting of the pistons) and 0,5L brake fluid DOT 3
Set 174,90 EUR
2 pcs. wheel brake cylinder 17 mm and 1 pc. 12,7mm type "Schäfer" (no more rusting of the pistons) 1 master brake cylinder 1 brake light switch with screw connections and 0,5L DOT3
Set 274,90 EUR
59 3/059/Set-3
2 wheel brake cylinders 17 mm and 1 12,7 mm type "Schäfer" (no more rusting of the pistons) 1 master brake cylinder 1 brake light switch with screw connections 3 brake hoses 3 brake lines and 0,5L DOT
Set 349,90 EUR
75 4/075
Shock absorber h. with all fastening parts
Pair 84,90 EUR
104 4/104
Wheel cylinder at the back 12,7mm typ "schäfer" with rubbersleeve outside( no rust up the bolt and more)
Piece 64,90 EUR
Gasket kit kpl with lock-ring also suitable for 3 wheels
Set 38,90 EUR
84 5/084
Brake light switch with screw
Piece 13,90 EUR
103 5/1031
Polished aluminum fuel cap with emblem in enamel with seal
Piece 63,90 EUR
118 5/118
Fuel tap kpl with connecting parts without used part return
Piece 109,50 EUR
56 6/056
Gas absorber withcentering disk replacement for a spring
Piece 39,90 EUR
Window installation kit for narrow aluminium strip up to 1959
Piece 425,00 EUR
Complete windscreen installation kit for front, rear and side windows for version with wide aluminium strip from 1960 onwards.
Piece 465,00 EUR
Spyhole cover Motor- rear wall - seat back
Piece 34,90 EUR
Rubber floor mat like original 3mm thick Great quality
Piece 129,50 EUR
Flasher unit 10-100 watt, electronics with connection for control light and wiring diagramm, easy montage
Piece 29,20 EUR
Wiper arm with wiper blade polished V2A
Piece 53,40 EUR
Wiper blade 280mm stainless steel polished
Piece 23,90 EUR
79 7/0794
Piece 84,90 EUR
79 7/0795
Piece 59,90 EUR
1 70/16/001 windscreen Convertible Piece 449,00 EUR

*) All prices include the legal 19% VAT.